Sullivan Tipton


Player bio

About Sullivan

I grew up in Birmingham Alabama my whole life and had disc golf as a hobby since I was 12 years old. Most of my life I was dedicated to the sport of wrestling and baseball, and in 2018 I won a state championship for wrestling. I broke my left hand my senior year of high school and left my 2 competitive sports behind me. This started my transition into Professional Disc golf career. Some other hobbies I love is pickleball, fly fishing, guitar, and playing chess.

5 Favorite courses

5 favorite discs

Strongest part of your game? What needs work?

Versatility of my forehand. I am confident in any line or throw with my forehand.

Backhand touch. I don’t work on this as much because I rely on my forehand approach shots 99% of the time

Best tip for a new player?

Stop worrying about rating when starting out, all this does is bring extra pressure to situations you don’t need.

In the Bag

Sullivan's picks

FAvorite disc

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most underrated

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