Dale Jervis

Dale Jervis - Team DGA Member

Player bio

About Dale

Hey! I’m Dale and I’ve been playing disc golf for around 4 years now! I got into it after going to the park with some mates during covid and found out I was actually pretty decent at throwing a frisbee! After being an avid golfer for years I made the transition and absolutely loved it! I then started a podcast with my best mate and have enjoyed talking to pros from all over the world! 

5 Favorite courses

Strongest part of your game? What needs work?

Forehand for sure! 


Best tip for a new player?

Reps, reps, reps – it isn’t all about throwing far, it’s about throwing consistently! Dont beat yourself up!

In the Bag

Dale's picks

FAvorite disc

Coming Soon

most underrated

Coming Soon